Adding Blocks Together

The Head Start Approach to School Readiness means that children are ready for school, families are ready to support their children’s learning, and schools are ready for children. Learn more about the approach:

  • Physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development are all essential ingredients of school readiness.
  • Head Start views school readiness as children possessing the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for success in school and for later learning and life.
  • Programs must establish school readiness goals that are appropriate for the ages and development of enrolled children in the following domains:
    • Language and Literacy
    • Cognition
    • Approaches to Learning
    • Physical health and motor development
    • Social and Emotional Development
  • Implementing and measuring progress toward school readiness goals helps programs individualize for each child and ensure that children know and can do what is needed to be ready for kindergarten.
  • Head Start respects parents as their children’s primary nurturers, teachers, and advocates, and programs are required to consult with parents in establishing school readiness goals
  • As children transition to kindergarten, Head Start programs and schools should work together to promote school readiness and engage families.

School Readiness Goal 2.0